Crypto Greeks bearing Gifts for Christmas in Atheistan

Posted in Uncategorized on April 6, 2017 by smokingmirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

This is not the blog for what is getting mentioned here in this moment …but we tend to do what is in front of us. Let’s think of it as a digression, prior to having anything to actually digress from. I went to whatreallyhappened today. I haven’t been there more than once since I walked away from being linked at that site on a regular basis. I don’t think I ever went into the real details of the reasons for my departure. They were several. More and more the format was changing into a kind of managed hysteria and the paranoia level had been moving incrementally up toward Defcon 4. The advertising was out of control with flashing gifs that began to look like every day was Christmas in Atheistan. The same had been true of Rense and his site as well. I felt like I was on a shelf at Walmart and there was never any real news. It was the same headline repeated over and over and when you tried to read the article that was supposed to be there, it read like a Twitter feed. Some part of me had been waking up by degrees and where I had formerly been content to get a lot of traffic and not feel responsible for the graffiti that surrounded me, I was less and less able to tolerate the association. Meanwhile, every time I mentioned the ineffable I was exposed to withering contempt.

One of the things that bothered me the most was the constant appeal for funds. I know what even one of those ads goes for because there was a time that I thought of advertising my books and I was stunned at the cost and I was supposed to be getting ‘a deal’ so… the profit that is coming in from these ads is a pretty tidy sum.

I don’t know what it is that happens to all of these people. If you go to David Icke’s site, or any of the other major news feeds, it’s like a supermarket for commercials and endless self promotion. I don’t get it. None of these people ever have enough money! I don’t charge for a single ad on my sites. I don’t even ask for gifts of product or even link exchanges and I don’t have what falls out of these people’s pockets. I’m NOT complaining. What I get in payment for what I do is both measureless and priceless. I could jump for joy most of the time. What disturbs me is how clueless these people can be while passing themselves off as someone who is tuned in to what’s going on (cue Marvin Gaye). You can’t be trusted to tell the truth if you are being paid by business interests, whose motivations are in direct opposition to the truth. Materialism is completely out of control and if you are an atheist, as the majority of these people are, you have nothing but darkness for inspiration

So… I went by there today and found that out of the entire site there were only around 4 contributors. One of them is the Twitter feed champion of the internet, one AlexMark from Investment Watch. As I scrolled down, the same few names repeated over and over and over, trumpeting the same headline again and again from one angle after another and there wasn’t any news. I don’t know what is happening to what was once known as alternative news but it has become an embarrassing sham and once again, the ineffable eased me out of it at the right time.

I don’t want to complain about these people. I just want to go my way and do my job but it is disheartening, to say the least, that at every turn the good guys and the bad guys are indistinguishable from one another. They are all in it for the money and this much I know; when you are driven by self interest in pursuit of personal gain then you have no integrity and truth, along with all of the archetypes of the ineffable will depart from you and you will have no legitimacy, no authenticity and no spiritual currency. This is best exampled in making a selection of ten people who all state the same thing. One or two of these will ring in your consciousness like a bell and you will have the awareness that they are connected to the original source of the thought. The rest will sound like parrots or look like monkeys mimicking human behavior.

Very often the words spoken by Jesus the Christ, resonate in my mind; “father forgive them for they know not what they do.” I try to remember this. I try to remember that, “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” I try to remember that, “all of your righteousness is as filthy rags.” I try to remember, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” I try to remember that I am an imperfect expression of what is possible for me. I try to remember, “Let he who is without sin among you, cast the first stone.”

I know that I have no right to be going about pointing out the mote in the eyes of others while disregarding the beam in my own. How is it that I who never read the Bible much can remember so much scripture? I do recall a lot of it. It is because what is true and real imprints on my consciousness and what is not just fades away. The reason this happens is that I am committed at all costs to the truth because, in all honesty, I could not bear the shame of being a hypocrite and a duplicitous one who talks out of both sides of his mouth; who says one thing and does another. This is why I have been at pains not to conceal my shortcomings, or use of chemical consciousness enhancers …and why I have exposed myself on many occasions instead of trying to cover up my errors. I know that I will learn in time. I know that I will be transformed at the appointed hour should I, in my own flawed and screwed up way, continue to opt for full disclosure. Sure… sometimes it hurts when what is said about me is not true and I feel helpless to make the effort to tell it as I remember it, knowing that it is my word against whomever. Sometimes you just have to let it go and move on, lick your wounds and know that time will possibly leave a scar as a reminder; a kind of roadmark for where you have been. It all adds up to what we are, what we have made of ourselves, what we have been made into under the invisible hand of the divine who has shaped us to his will.

Allah Akbar!!! God is great! It matters not what tradition you subscribe to. It matters not what form or shape the indescribable and incomprehensible takes in your mind. What matters is the quality of your heart. It is impossible to deceive God. It is impossible coerce the divine or influence the divine except through the quality of your heart. As Bawa used to say, “God man, Man god.” He also used to say that “Man is God’s bank and God is man’s bank.”

I thank my fortunate stars that the pursuit of money does not posses me or obsess me. All these terrestrial goals that prey upon the hearts and minds of the deluded are like monsters that eventually take over their being and live their existence in that place once inhabited by the original resident. This sort of thing happens more often than you might think. Many people who enjoy wide celebrity in various areas of endeavor and enterprise are not who you think they are but are sometimes joyriders from inner and outer space. If you are not in command of yourself then something else is. It may be occasional and it may be all the time; not that you would know. The part of you that thinks, thinks it is yourself but it is a superimposition of another self that eats your food and spills your wine and laughs at the ignorance and stupidity that has hijacked all of the important parts of yourself, in exchange for a bowl of pottage. You have, in fact, sold yourself out for things you cannot even enjoy because that part of you capable of enjoyment has been left in the wake of destruction caused by the loss of everything of value.

The lower astral plane is filled with entities who are consumed by particular appetites and who are looking for avenues of expression. For those who have succumbed to the blandishments of this plane, while they are wandering about like wide eyed tourists, another kind of pickpocket is moving systematically among the bewildered and transfixed, looking for the way in so that they can kick you out. Spend enough time traveling around in the lower astral and it is a lot like not paying attention on Bourbon Street and finding yourself several blocks away from the revelers who recently surrounded you and you are now in extreme danger. There are places like this in every city in the country. You aren’t swept up out of the sky and then deposited there. You could be led there. In fact, many are but… just as many set off for these places on their own, drawn there by the allure of the many dancing houris of fascination that are invariably mirrored in the lower astral plane, where the sleepless eyes in the darkness, driven by even greater hungers, wait upon a conveyance that they can claim for their own.

They lurk in the banks and boardrooms, just as much as they are to be found in the fleshpots. They wait in every place where the mind is made weak by proximity to the objects of desire. Unless one is free of the attraction for these things, one will surely be brought low by them as the record of events across the centuries gives ample proof of. Happiness, contentment, joy and peace, have nothing to do with one’s station, one’s possessions, one’s appearance or any talents accrued to that point. These states of being are all dependent on how one views existence and the value accorded to every part of it. One can be in perpetual exaltation as a beggar and perpetually tormented as a captain of industry. This has been noted and commented on by many great minds. One of the most beautiful testimonies in favor of certitude is “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

As familiar as we are with that phrase, it often goes unnoticed what lines came before them; Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.” Amen to that.

So… when people run around giving the impression that they are working for or… on the side of truth, yet they require an endless stream of cash to finance high end lifestyles and need to have continuous face time as the personality image of rectitude and integrity but are for sale to anyone who will pay them enough to have face time right alongside them, it puzzles me. Are all their principles in accord with one another? Are their acts of charity broadcasted over loudspeakers (verily they have their reward)? Do you think the spirit of truth seeks out men like this to represent it? Is truth or any of the enduring qualities of the ineffable for sale? Is that even remotely possible???

In the ungovernable drive of insatiable appetite for acquisition, one gains nothing of value. One is surrounded by material excess and dines on disappointment every day. I still skip down the street, singing to myself and appearing mad to everyone I pass. Their grim and unsatisfied visage tells me all I need to know about what is really worth having and what masquerades as worth having and brings only suffering and loss as compensation for what continues to remain unseen.

End Transmission…….

Israel and the Global Frottage Pat Down Rape.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 23, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Max Keiser says, boycott Coca Cola and you can bring down the system. He also says that if people start demanding physical silver, instead of buying the paper that says they own the silver, then J.P. Morgan- a front for Rothschild enterprises- will fall. This is because they are selling many times more silver on paper than they actually possess. This is typical of the swine (apologies to the people who love swine and appreciate their many virtues and would possibly go to bed with one to prove their point) in all areas of global and regional commerce who are playing variations of the oldest scams on the newest suckers. Max is probably right and it would be a wonderful thing if more of you started to ‘get right’ in the same way.


Max explains all of this and apparently all you have to do is purchase two silver coins. I guess that means everybody though and I can imagine how that will work out. Still, the public is getting incensed about the frottage rape by Pistole’s TSA thugs.


Don’t buy any Coca Cola products and if you have paper that says you own silver then get the silver. What good is the silver going to do you when the banks close their doors and you can’t get to the silver? You don’t even know where your silver is right now. Do you want to know where your silver is? Your silver has been sold to a line of punters who are waiting outside the same door for the same woman to come out of it while the bankers ride away with her to new grounds of plunder. Lloyd Blankfein is public enemy number one. He’s the real Osama Bin Laden and he comes from the real nation that was behind all the terror attacks and that is Israel. Like Eric Cantor, he has no allegiance to American. You are sheep to be sheared and then hung up on hooks.


Here’s what I heard in prison years ago from a wise con, “Gypsy, there is three kinds of people in the joint. There are the bulls and they run the place. There are the foxes and they know how to get around the bulls and there’s the sheep. They wind up on the hooks.”


You really can see all of it coming round the mountain and it’s not riding six white horses either. It’s riding a hydra and though it’s been unleashed by those who intend to use it as a weapon against humanity, the ones releasing it are its natural food. They’re going to be air-kissing the screams in the vestibule on their way to doing lunch. It gets a little tiresome for me to repeat the same scenario in so many different ways as if the universe really does operate according to an unalterable cosmic plan but it does. What else am I supposed to say? As you can imagine, there’s a reason why the blog entries are slowing down… or maybe just migrating to Visible Origami and other efforts for awhile.


Now I see that South Korea, at the behest of the world ruling Zionist parasite monsters has stirred up trouble with North Korea. I know that the wholly owned Zionist press will say the opposite so I know that that’s the lie and whatever the opposite of that is, is the truth. The dictator of North Korea is like St. Francis next to the Zio-Ogre, H.P. Lovecraft inspired beast from unmentionable deeps.


Is something going wrong in your life? The cause is Israel. Are you having a bad day? The cause is Israel. Has someone lied or done something ugly anywhere in the world today? The cause is Israel. Any country interested in its own survival must immediately seize all Zionist owned banks and businesses and seize all their assets and evict every single one of them. Through history nearly every nation on Earth has done this at least once. There must be a reason. This is a parasite lifeform that attacks the host countries body and then sucks the life force out of it. It’s got a canny little defense mechanism that is based on a questionable historical event that can’t be questioned and a slander tag/badge of honor that has a dual use, which is to preempt the actual Semites that they are presently genociding out of existence after having stolen their land, while super-imposing themselves over the originals and then treating all criticism as if it were the darkest act possible at this or any time.


If you’re being forced through scanners and frottage rape pat downs it is because of Israel. If your economy is in the toilet it is because of Israel. Israel is a satanic crime syndicate, masquerading as a nation and it is the enemy of all life on Earth except their own. It was created in a backroom smoker where pedophile Gila monsters with names like Rothschild, Warburg and Schiff decided they needed a country to bypass the usual, legal enforcements again multiplicities of malfeasance. The nations of the world should decide now to wipe Israel off of the face of the Earth and hunt down every Zionist wherever they may be. They are already doing this to you. Ahmanedijad didn’t say this, I am saying it. Otherwise I recommend suicide; it’s quicker and has more dignity.


Going through airport security? Defend yourself in any way you can. Having your country stolen out from under you by paid lackeys for Israel? Defend yourself. Facing death by cancer in the Gulf States, along with penury and loss of all properties? Defend yourself. Israel is behind it all.


Israel is a fiction based on a fiction based on a people who do not exist except as the victims of these monsters. Does the name Jack Abramoff ring a bell? What were Mohammed Atta and his associates doing on his gambling boat just before 9/11? Does the name Lloyd Blankfein ring a bell? Why are all of the heads of the Federal Reserve Jewish? Because they own the banks which allowed them to buy the media and the politicians and to guarantee that no one gets elected that doesn’t agree to serve them. Does the name Michael Chertoff ring a bell? This is the man who let the real 9/11 players leave town and who covered up the evidence and who is now selling the airports the cancer scanner modules.


There are only two reasons that you do not share this outrage and only two reasons why you do not join together with your countrymen to do something about the Synagogue of Satan and their fellow travelers who murdered 10’s of millions in Russia and have the same thing planned for you. Those reasons are fear and stupidity. You are either a coward or an ignorant fool and deserving of whatever you get. Let me give you a little clue, fear is not a defense. Fear has never and will never protect you or allow you to prosper.


Why are you afraid? You are afraid because you are not based in a state of strength. You don’t believe in anything and everything you do believe in is not real. This means you are also stupid as well as frightened. Do you remember the playgrounds of childhood? Do you remember the bullies? Did the bullies go away because you said you were afraid and they were hurting you and you didn’t like it and would they please stop? No they did not. They went away when you showed them what happens when they mess with the wrong person. Some of us know what it took to stand up against many things much more frightening and dangerous than schoolyard bullies. The biggest schoolyard bully and collection of conscienceless cowards on the face of the Earth is Israel and any and every Zionist anywhere else.


There’s no joy in having to stand up and engage in things that you would rather never engage in if there were any way around it but there isn’t any way around it. You can either do something about it or you can just suffer through as entertainment for the psychopaths, until they have extracted every last measure of enjoyment from your misery and pain and then they kill you but… not before they kill everyone you love in front of your eyes and laugh while they do it. Is this an exaggeration? No, it is not.


Zionism is a capital crime. Israel is a pre-meditating mass murderer. Bankers are viral entities that attack societies in order to degrade them and then profit from the corruptions. Corporations are organized crime syndicates. Governments are brothels filled with ugly chicks that can’t even pleasure themselves, much less you. Religions are transvestite sex clubs where sex is not permitted except among the clergy or for the purpose of propagating slaves for the empire. You’re not hearing me and that’s okay. Sooner or later you will come to these same conclusions when it is far, far too late.


Music Site


The New Shangri-La



The Demons Among us at the Cannibal Feast.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 13, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting…….


When you look up into the night sky there is a predictable symmetry. The moon has its reliable phases. The planets can be seen in their courses by those informed enough, or technically empowered enough, to view them. Astronomers see one section of bandwidth and astrologers see another and what is stated to be so and what is intuited to be possible, are both extreme limitations placed upon the unknown and life goes on independent of the findings of either. The sun appears every morning, as the Earth rotates into it. You would have to say that balance is the key to the whole apparatus, independent of understanding it. Balance expresses itself in the cyclic repetition of seasons and events. It all has the appearance of being arranged. Someone like me would say it’s all under control.


We’ve heard that evil destroys itself. That implies that components within the schematic are in opposition to other components in terms of intention and agenda. You can think of evil as something like cancer, where the host body is attacked by elements which compose it. Ergo, you get people like Glenn Beck attacking George Soros. A representative of Little Georgie Sorrows told Glenn Beck that he was hurting Georgie’s business. The implication of a dead fish coming in a UPS truck is not to be missed.


The main feature that you notice about Wall Street and the multinationals; the bankers and other major players on the world stage is that there is no limit to their need to acquire at the expense of others and each other. Some of them have tens of millions of dollars. Some of them have hundreds of millions of dollars. Some of them have billions of dollars and some of them have tens of billions of dollars and all of them want hundreds of billions of dollars and more and more and more.


They will do anything to get more. They will steal and kill. They will engineer wars in which millions die and millions more are enslaved in crushing debt, just to increase their holdings of something they already possess far more of than they will ever need. They turn to philanthropy, in which none of what is given away reaches the target audience, except when they are building hideous monuments to themselves, in buildings and institutions, under the guise of education, the arts and medicine, which not only do not serve the needs of the public but maliciously attack the essence of what they presume to edify and disseminate. They are a breed apart, a monstrous amplification of Fred C. Dobbs, on a lunatic rampage amidst the winds of Heaven.


The public information channels have been routed through the municipal sewage systems so that it’s shit in and shit out every day. These mincing martinets prance upon the stage, in the gravitas of dung golems, whose reek is barely masked by the distance provided through the mediums of transmission. They bedeck themselves in bling that would make a gangsta rapper blush, as they applaud one another on their vast accomplishments on the public’s behalf. It’s no time at all before large numbers die, as the result of fountain pens following the pronouncements at some narcissistic conclave of self congratulation.


They present themselves as spokes-personages for the equality of all, which is nothing more than a push for the preeminence of minorities, whose agendas stand in direct conflict with the lives and traditions of the majority. They seek to destroy everything that does not represent their personal vision of how it should be, in order to grant them an unopposable, imperial hand over the destiny of everyone beneath them. It’s no time at all before they then present these minorities as the enemy of the masses, in order to manifest a blood bath of guilt among the populace, who are mystified at their own capacity for violence and who then cry out for a more pervasive hand of leadership from the very fiends who orchestrated it in the first place.


A reasonable mind would quickly understand that all bankers, lawyers, politicians and priests should be quarantined for the good of humanity and that there can be no extremes in the definition of such quarantine because, quite frankly, they are the enemy of life, of balance and symmetry and of every good thing imaginable.


In the middle of the chaos of the moment, with the full evidence of mass murder, felony fraud and unbridled greed, these desperate creatures lobby for immunity from their deeds, while seeking unlimited license to commit more of the same. In the middle of plunging the world into chaos, they demand further freedom to accelerate the process, so that no one remains, except a manageable servant class to administer to their needs. They define evil simply through their efforts to kill whatever good they encounter. Even in their dreams they plunder and murder, as if there were no portion of their mind that did not meditate upon these things.


Mass opposition and expedient death are the least of what they deserve and gaining this, they have one final victory in which they have turned their destroyers into monsters, just like themselves. Do they know all of this? They do not. It is the atavistic, reptile mind behind the façade of their human masquerade that manipulates them in a simulacrum of Fred C. Dobbs, screaming into the maelstrom. They are fiends unknown to themselves. They go through the motions of terrible acts, in a loop of cognitive dissonance, where they cannot hear or see themselves as they are, nor the effect of their behavior. This means nothing in terms of the necessity for them to be gone, anymore than does the unawareness of a mad dog, concerning its hydrophobia.


The most grievous thing is the mass of the ordinary, who wish for nothing more than to be like them; who would leap at the opportunity to replace them, independent of the skills or capacities needed to do so. Sarah Palin and the legions that support her are a clear evidence of this. They are all bound together for a common land where revelation will at last descend upon all of them.


I am already supposed to be somewhere else for several weeks now. I can’t seem to manage it. I’m completely ready and my car is packed, with all manner of items that I have needed for the last several weeks (grin) and don’t want to go after because, any day, I may know that that is the day when I am meant to leave. I’ve never been in this position before. Whenever I am intending to go somewhere, I do. It may sometimes be a day later but never more. Why is that? I keep expecting something to happen. I don’t actually expect something to happen. Something is keeping me in a place where I don’t actually need to be and keeping me from somewhere else that it seems I really ought to be, for all sorts of good reasons from property maintenance to potentially inspired actions.


I think something would have happened by now but there are too many eyes. What might have been easily accomplished in the past, now carries trepidation of discovery that has hamstrung the vile and irredeemable among us. The governments of many countries are alerted to the dark possibilities. There are none who will remain unaffected by what hangs in suspension, seeking the dark of the moon or a moment of fell opportunity.


Evil does destroy itself and it knows that something is up, with all of the long awaited and intricately researched realization of their plans. Something doesn’t feel right and they are waiting like I am waiting. They can’t possibly restrain themselves. They are compelled to carry out the destiny of their destruction. They are as eager as goats in rut, pissing all over themselves, as goats do, in anticipation. There’s no consideration that perhaps they might be wrong and that discretion might actually prove the better part of valor. No, they are committed but nervous. They reason that even if they are caught; what difference would it make? Such is not the case of course and some part of them knows this.


So we sit here. The world and its tormenting fiends and sleeping heroes, wait like incipient cold sores, hot and pregnant with pulsing discomfort. Cold sores aren’t romantic but neither are the times in which we find ourselves, surrounded by cowards and cretins and hedonistic louts who don’t even know how to enjoy what they take so many liberties with. These people with everything do not even have the capacity to enjoy it. They have no idea who the enjoyer is.


Well… so it goes. One more posting about the unpredictable, the inevitable and the inexplicable, in search of motive and meaning. Sooner or later we pass the point of no return, just as these demons in human form, lash themselves toward the righteous entrance to their own version of the Ring Pass Not. We won’t be breaking for commercial. We are the commercial.

End Transmission…….


There will be a radio show Sunday night at 7:30 Central Time or download it the next day.

Rocket Ship

The New Shangri-La


Posted in Uncategorized on November 13, 2010 by smokingmirrors


Dog Poet Transmitting…….

When you look up into the night sky there is a predictable symmetry. The moon has its reliable phases. The planets can be seen in their courses by those informed enough, or technically empowered enough, to view them. Astronomers see one section of bandwidth and astrologers see another and what is stated to be so and what is intuited to be possible, are both extreme limitations placed upon the unknown and life goes on independent of the findings of either. The sun appears every morning, as the Earth rotates into it. You would have to say that balance is the key to the whole apparatus, independent of understanding it. Balance expresses itself in the cyclic repetition of seasons and events. It all has the appearance of being arranged. Someone like me would say it’s all under control.

We’ve heard that evil destroys itself. That implies that components within the schematic are in opposition to other components in terms of intention and agenda. You can think of evil as something like cancer, where the host body is attacked by elements which compose it. Ergo, you get people like Glenn Beck attacking George Soros. A representative of Little Georgie Sorrows told Glenn Beck that he was hurting Georgie’s business. The implication of a dead fish coming in a UPS truck is not to be missed.

The main feature that you notice about Wall Street and the multinationals; the bankers and other major players on the world stage is that there is no limit to their need to acquire at the expense of others and each other. Some of them have tens of millions of dollars. Some of them have hundreds of millions of dollars. Some of them have billions of dollars and some of them have tens of billions of dollars and all of them want hundreds of billions of dollars and more and more and more.

They will do anything to get more. They will steal and kill. They will engineer wars in which millions die and millions more are enslaved in crushing debt, just to increase their holdings of something they already possess far more of than they will ever need. They turn to philanthropy, in which none of what is given away reaches the target audience, except when they are building hideous monuments to themselves, in buildings and institutions, under the guise of education, the arts and medicine, which not only do not serve the needs of the public but maliciously attack the essence of what they presume to edify and disseminate. They are a breed apart, a monstrous amplification of Fred C. Dobbs, on a lunatic rampage amidst the winds of Heaven.

The public information channels have been routed through the municipal sewage systems so that it’s shit in and shit out every day. These mincing martinets prance upon the stage, in the gravitas of dung golems, whose reek is barely masked by the distance provided through the mediums of transmission. They bedeck themselves in bling that would make a gangsta rapper blush, as they applaud one another on their vast accomplishments on the public’s behalf. It’s no time at all before large numbers die, as the result of fountain pens following the pronouncements at some narcissistic conclave of self congratulation.

They present themselves as spokes-personages for the equality of all, which is nothing more than a push for the preeminence of minorities, whose agendas stand in direct conflict with the lives and traditions of the majority. They seek to destroy everything that does not represent their personal vision of how it should be, in order to grant them an unopposable, imperial hand over the destiny of everyone beneath them. It’s no time at all before they then present these minorities as the enemy of the masses, in order to manifest a blood bath of guilt among the populace, who are mystified at their own capacity for violence and who then cry out for a more pervasive hand of leadership from the very fiends who orchestrated it in the first place.

A reasonable mind would quickly understand that all bankers, lawyers, politicians and priests should be quarantined for the good of humanity and that there can be no extremes in the definition of such quarantine because, quite frankly, they are the enemy of life, of balance and symmetry and of every good thing imaginable.

In the middle of the chaos of the moment, with the full evidence of mass murder, felony fraud and unbridled greed, these desperate creatures lobby for immunity from their deeds, while seeking unlimited license to commit more of the same. In the middle of plunging the world into chaos, they demand further freedom to accelerate the process, so that no one remains, except a manageable servant class to administer to their needs. They define evil simply through their efforts to kill whatever good they encounter. Even in their dreams they plunder and murder, as if there were no portion of their mind that did not meditate upon these things.

Mass opposition and expedient death are the least of what they deserve and gaining this, they have one final victory in which they have turned their destroyers into monsters, just like themselves. Do they know all of this? They do not. It is the atavistic, reptile mind behind the façade of their human masquerade that manipulates them in a simulacrum of Fred C. Dobbs, screaming into the maelstrom. They are fiends unknown to themselves. They go through the motions of terrible acts, in a loop of cognitive dissonance, where they cannot hear or see themselves as they are, nor the effect of their behavior. This means nothing in terms of the necessity for them to be gone, anymore than does the unawareness of a mad dog, concerning its hydrophobia.

The most grievous thing is the mass of the ordinary, who wish for nothing more than to be like them; who would leap at the opportunity to replace them, independent of the skills or capacities needed to do so. Sarah Palin and the legions that support her are a clear evidence of this. They are all bound together for a common land where revelation will at last descend upon all of them.

I am already supposed to be somewhere else for several weeks now. I can’t seem to manage it. I’m completely ready and my car is packed, with all manner of items that I have needed for the last several weeks (grin) and don’t want to go after because, any day, I may know that that is the day when I am meant to leave. I’ve never been in this position before. Whenever I am intending to go somewhere, I do. It may sometimes be a day later but never more. Why is that? I keep expecting something to happen. I don’t actually expect something to happen. Something is keeping me in a place where I don’t actually need to be and keeping me from somewhere else that it seems I really ought to be, for all sorts of good reasons from property maintenance to potentially inspired actions.

I think something would have happened by now but there are too many eyes. What might have been easily accomplished in the past, now carries trepidation of discovery that has hamstrung the vile and irredeemable among us. The governments of many countries are alerted to the dark possibilities. There are none who will remain unaffected by what hangs in suspension, seeking the dark of the moon or a moment of fell opportunity.

Evil does destroy itself and it knows that something is up, with all of the long awaited and intricately researched realization of their plans. Something doesn’t feel right and they are waiting like I am waiting. They can’t possibly restrain themselves. They are compelled to carry out the destiny of their destruction. They are as eager as goats in rut, pissing all over themselves, as goats do, in anticipation. There’s no consideration that perhaps they might be wrong and that discretion might actually prove the better part of valor. No, they are committed but nervous. They reason that even if they are caught; what difference would it make? Such is not the case of course and some part of them knows this.

So we sit here. The world and its tormenting fiends and sleeping heroes, wait like incipient cold sores, hot and pregnant with pulsing discomfort. Cold sores aren’t romantic but neither are the times in which we find ourselves, surrounded by cowards and cretins and hedonistic louts who don’t even know how to enjoy what they take so many liberties with. These people with everything do not even have the capacity to enjoy it. They have no idea who the enjoyer is.

Well… so it goes. One more posting about the unpredictable, the inevitable and the inexplicable, in search of motive and meaning. Sooner or later we pass the point of no return, just as these demons in human form, lash themselves toward the righteous entrance to their own version of the Ring Pass Not. We won’t be breaking for commercial. We are the commercial.

End Transmission…….

There will be a radio show Sunday night at 7:30 Central Time or download it the next day.

Rocket Ship

The New Shangri-La


The Bending End of Conspicuous Damnation.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 9, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Mukesh Ambani has built (is building) a skyscraper home in Mumbai that is estimated to cost around 2 billion dollars. He’s got the bread to do it so, why shouldn’t he? Steven Schwartzman said Obama was like Hitler invading Poland because of the intention to levy ordinary taxes on private equity funds. Steven Schwartzman also has big houses. You’ll have to do your own surfing for pictures of the palaces. One of them is a 30 million dollar apartment in NYC. Ira Rennert is another conspicuous consumer. Steve may have a billion or two more than Ira but Mukesh has more than four times the wealth of the two of them put together. It goes without saying that either of these men would do anything, literally anything, to have what Mukesh has and they’ve got a lot of company.


Most people don’t understand the mindset of a psychopath. It’s a foreign state to them. They can’t get their heads around being able to operate with a complete lack of conscience and to not actually feel any human emotions, so that it is necessary to mimic them. This is why they are compared to reptiles. One could say that the reptile brain has taken over and/or, they were built that way.


Yesterday I watched Winnebago Man. It was an entertaining film but what stood out for me was what happened when Jack Rebny mentioned Dick Cheney. The director told him that he shouldn’t talk about that. People didn’t want to hear that. Then again, in San Francisco, at a public venue, a woman who was at the event took exception to his mention of Dick Cheney. He only mentioned him once there and not often elsewhere. He was spot on about what he had to say. You don’t hear about it in any of the reviews that I have seen. The message I got is that you don’t talk about politics or politicians in public settings because it’s divisive. Anonymously on the internet is another thing but probably, even there, it’s divisive. It’s divisive to talk about the conspicuous consumption of the rich. That’s class warfare. You’ve all been nicely hosed and now you’re lining up for seconds.


You bent over for Reagan and then you bent over for Bush. They threw Clinton in for the appearance of alternative choices and you bent over for him too. You bent over for the Son of Dracula and then you bent over for 9/11, various wars in the Middle East, Katrina, The poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico and a host of other things I don’t need to mention because they’re not that important apparently, because nothing is happening about them. Now you’re bending over for Obama who is bending over for a shitty little country on the other side of the world and who is supported in his posture by an impressive number of politicians, whose first loyalty is not to the country they serve. This comes about when an artificial country is manufactured to give sovereign protections to international bank thievery. It even comes with its own religion, The First Church of Usury.


The reasons for things are often not the reasons that appear at first glance. The loss of jobs in the United States, the rising unemployment and the specter of inflation are not necessarily because of the financial domination of international corporations and the swine that run them. It could well be about making the military an attractive option for everyone who can’t find a job because of the immense profits to be had from warfare. It’s also about cherry-picking certain personality types for police and airport security jobs. This may be simplistic but I’m less concerned with detailing what I have seen than I am that you think in a certain direction.


Culture morphing is a big deal these days because the more confused the public is and the more focused on entertainment and the press to embrace everything and anything as acceptable, the easier it is to control the public. All of this is calculated for effect. Cultures that embrace everything and anything as being acceptable soon cease to exist as a culture. Cultures exist by the maintenance of traditions. It’s one of the reasons people travel to other countries, when they used to be able to do that.


The public, barraged by corporate advertising, those who have already been meticulously dumbed down by the public school system, find it desirable and convenient to follow the corporation’s lead as to what they eat and drink and pretend to make merry about. The only defense for the public is to cease to purchase the goods and services provided by the corporations but that’s just too much for them to think about and they could get into trouble and even be labeled a terrorist, which is just how their overlords want it.


The public can refuse to serve in the military. The public can mass in the streets. The public can storm the public buildings and occasionally do that in other places but not in the United States. The people who have been born into the United States, at this time, came to the party with certain things in mind and the party was planned out for certain results and lessons and… it’s going to be a shitstorm of revelation, whose purpose is to educate them concerning what they believe to be true, in respect of what is actually true. The degree of the severity of the suffering that attends the appearance of the real and the resolution of the unreal, is dependent on the wideness of the gulf between them. When the public cannot motivate itself to become the instrument of change then change is thrust upon them, to the extent that it is necessary for them to become aware of it. Every bit of the suffering in your life comes about because of being, to some degree, out of touch with what is real.


We get deceived by people because we want something. We believe tales that are obvious constructions, due to the fantastic details, because we want to believe that what we want will appear. We go right back to the well again, even years later, when we are told some new tale because we want to believe it. None of us are immune to this. It’s part of life to catch on to the fact that you are being lied to. A lot of the time these things are done for the purpose of amusement. People take pleasure in the ability to mess with other people’s minds. This is what psychopaths do. The critical thing is to catch on quickly and let the lesson remain with you. Lying is the name of the game and they use it because the truth compromises their intentions. We don’t always need to know why people do certain things. We just need to see that they do them.


If you can’t let things go then they will be ripped away from you. If you become enthralled in the passion for one appetite or another it will burn you out. Letting go is not the easiest thing to accomplish because even though you suspect you know how to accomplish it, you can’t seem to go about it effectively. Why is that?


I suspect that good and bad are meaningless except for one important feature; do you learn from the experience? If you have learned something then you have become free of the ignorance that leads people into the experience. Everything in life is about one lesson or another. Some catch on much more quickly than others. For those who do not catch on, it repeats and intensifies until they do. That’s all life is about. Life is about lessons and allowing the lessons to act as a guide. It’s also about finding a guide. This happens when you are observed in your behavior, by certain forces that are on the lookout for that kind of behavior, no matter what kind of behavior it may be.


We get easily confused here. We see bad behavior being rewarded and the contempt that the practitioners hold us in and it shames us that we aren’t more like them. What’s wrong with us? Somehow we got stuck with a moral code that hinders our ability to mutate into full blown assholes that care about no one but themselves. The fact is that we are only seeing one side of the Mobius strip of existence. It’s set up this way and that’s what faith and certitude are all about. You’re not supposed to be absolutely dead certain, though some of us are. You’re supposed to be plagued by doubt to the degree that you are engaged in doubtful enterprise. That is, unless you are a psychopath and then it’s a piece of cake, for awhile.


You see the homes, the many homes, of those with enormous amounts of wealth. They are feted and wined and dined. If they are celebrities they often don’t pay for anything and many of them count on this and look for that advantage, even though they already have more than most of us will. You see the unmitigated greed that screams at the injury of taxation and really believes they are a breed apart. You see that they are getting away with it and something has to be wrong with this picture. You are not seeing the complete picture and there’s a profound addendum to this, which is the peculiar times in which we find ourselves. That is one of the primary reasons for the conspicuous damnation of those who see everything as something to ignore unless they can profit from it.


It’s about the lessons. The better and more quickly you learn your lessons, the quicker your eyes open, in order to see what’s really going on. Eyes can close too and they do, to a terrible end. It is always the moment for personal transformation. We are in that moment, every moment of every day. Seeing this is the key.


Smoke and Mirrors


The New Shangri-La

Monsanto and the Hellraiser Clan of the Damned.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 6, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting…….


Last night, in the beginning I dreamed of a powerful vampire clan. For some reason, although they were dangerous in the extreme, there was an understanding that existed in which I was in no danger from them. I had done, or was doing something, that affected all of this. For the rest of the night, I dreamed about 9/11 and the people behind it and was engaged in something that was bringing the knowledge of the participants out before the world. They were toast and it was an indisputable reality that they were doomed and could not repair the incipient, emerging reality of their downfall. All night I was up and then back to bed and each time I was, once again, into the proactive, engaged scenario of 9/11 exposure.


Larry Silverstein made the most appearances, as his involvement was being detailed, prior to some sort of specific judgment that was in reserve for him. He bought the WTC just shortly before the attacks. He was in charge when the building security was shut down and no one was allowed to monitor whatever was taking place, just before the attacks, with the assistance of Marvin Bush’s security company. He took out massive anti-terror insurance and afterwards sued for double what was initially expected. He called for Building 7 to be pulled and spoke with his good friend Bennie ‘the rat’ Netanyahu every Sunday.


Barak, the mastermind of 9/11 (along with Dov Zakheim) was in New York City on 9/11 with Olmert. Where was Zakheim on 9/11? I never seem to be able to find that out. It’s probably a simple answer that evades me, like the more intricate components of a dream. I get the overview and my intent but often the details escape me.


It stands to reason that the concept of the Synagogue of Satan is a real thing. Even Jesus Christ referred to the members of specific tribes as the children of the devil. So this explains the source of the power, which seems so inexplicable to us; how do they do it? They have supernatural help of the demonic kind. I’m not a Christian and I’ve little use for religion of any type. They are all obfuscators but… I am presenting this in the context of the manifest realm in manifest words, regardless of more invisible implications. It explains the obsession with money and further explains the control of outer circumstance and temporal powers.


In times of The Apocalypse, all of this is revealed to us in stages and by means dependent on one’s unwillingness to awaken. It also implies the end of their run of core deceptions for the purpose of ruling the world. They are in deep shit and all of those who are silent will be seen as guilty by association. This is one wakeup call that ought to be heeded more than any other.


A few days ago I was thinking about the bat plague, which interrupts the feeding duties of the bats that control the insects that eat the agriculture, which feeds the world. This requires a massive increase in the use of pesticides and it dawned on me that Monsanto was behind whatever was happening to the bats. Then it occurred to me that Monsanto was behind whatever was happening to the honeybees. The two are connected and it became a near indisputable plausibility in my mind that Monsanto (My Satan) was behind these and other conditions as well. Part of the motivation is profit and control and part of the motive is eugenics. Monsanto is also a creation of the tribe. Here you can see just how widespread the proliferation is and why the world is the way it is.


Is it a crime or a moral offense to point these things out? The question that should be asked is, “are these things true”? The ownership and control of all of these companies is right there to be seen. Either it is so or it is not. If this is not true, then point out to me how I have erred and what is true so that I will not be further deceived. Here a member of the tribe boasts about the control. Here names are named about the 96% control of the media. When one looks at the Federal Reserve, the same phenomenon appears. Are these things not true? I’m waiting for the clear and informed mind that is going to set me straight, if I am being misled on any of these counts. I have people telling me tall tales about things that don’t happen and things they are doing for me that play havoc with my schedule when they don’t happen, as if their intent was to confuse and disrupt me. Maybe it’s all not what it seems but… there it is in black and white.


As clear as it all appears to be, it doesn’t register with those oppressed by the actions of their slave masters. They even defend their slave masters and die in their wars. Their lives are ruined by financial manipulations and yet they become advocate mouthpieces for the ones who do this, using inapplicable terms of slander, created as a defense mechanism by their oppressors, against those who question the obvious. Theodor Herzl said that the slander of anti-Semitism should be applied, whether it is true or not, as an effective weapon against criticism. You can scan the expanded intent of this in many places and agendas.


Now comes this most curious of events, the Obama trip to India where we have been told that 65 planes; 34 warships, thousands of personnel, 200 CEO’s and family friends and retainers are accompanying a zombie president whose name rhymes with another dead man who keeps rising from the grave. The Pentagon denies that he is shadowed by such a massive collection of war material.


Cliff High of Half Past Human has predicted tension builds and tipping points to occur between November 5th and November 14th of this year and that is the exact span of Obama’s trip to The East. It’s in January where it is supposed to get really severe but that’s for later consideration (grin). There’s a lot to think about and as far as Obama’s trip goes, Obama is a liar and The Pentagon is a collective of liars so no matter what the truth is, it’s not coming from either of these plumbing outlets. What’s coming out of these outlets is the sort of stuff that normally moves through plumbing outlets, on their way to flammable septic tanks of the sort that spontaneously ignites. It’s flaming shit, with the inferno generated by the outrage of the offended water that has to ferry it.


Those who expose the reality of what is, are pushed to the sidelines by the endless drone of lies on behalf of selective empire. The mass that follows or is herded toward the thresher teeth of the judgment that awaits ignorant destinies, do not hear the voices of those who call out to them on their behalf. Once again, it is like the voices from strange rooms, in a dream of the acknowledged parameters, of the deadly confinements of a lie that circumscribes all that the dreamer sees and hears… and accepts as real. It is not real. It is a dream that inexorably cycles into nightmare and frightful awakening.


If the things said in this posting are true; if the names and places are accurate, in respect of the claims, then… what does that mean? If they are not true then surely there is some other explanation and it will be seen today in the comments section and I can adjust myself accordingly. If these things are true but are denied as being true, what is one to make of this state of being? What does one make of the wide agreement of so many who demand the continuance of lies, as if they were the very bread of Heaven? What kind of terrible cowardice and denial motivates the greater herd of deceived and doomed sheep?


Given the result of centuries of lies, which define history as it never was, it seems a fool’s errand to declaim against them. They just go on and on, giving life to new lies that consistently mean more to those being hoodwinked than the truth has ever done. The religions that advertise liberty from the playing fields of manifest torment and suffering, have also been hijacked in support of the lies from which they claim we shall be freed, by avatars and masters, which they are at singular pains to misinterpret and obscure. It’s all done for power over the living in the temporary plane of existence, whose purpose is to redirect them through recurrent death into yet one more lifetime of servitude to the beast, on an endless, rotating wheel of fire.


I can’t remember if it was Kierkegaard who said “we must work out our salvation through fear and trembling” but whoever said it, it sounds about right. It’s in the meaning of what is to be feared and what the trembling is where we go astray. The fear should be the concern that we do not give in to the deceptions, at the risk of a separation from that which liberates us and the trembling is the presence of the very same. Why is it trembling? Because of the uncertainty in the heart and mind of the supplicant… and so it goes.


End Transmission…….


There will be a radio show this Sunday night at 7:30 Central Time or download it the next day.


Everlasting Love


The New Shangri-La (near 2500 members)



The Plague of Zionism and the Cleansing Fire of the Apocalypse.

Posted in Uncategorized on November 3, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting…….


The fixed and fake elections of 2010 don’t mean anything because they were fixed and fake. That’s the case with every American election for some time. Change isn’t something that happens in America except to say that it changes into more of what it was. It becomes more extreme and you can call that change but it isn’t change, it’s a modification of degrees.


Howdy Doody Obama came into office on the promise of hope and change. He rode into office because of a national reaction to the polices of possibly the worst president in American history, which was George W. Bush. George Bush, along with the rest of his family, were directly involved in the 9/11 attacks. Previously to that, an argument can be made that George H. Bush was directly involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The major influence behind the assassination of Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks was the Zionist lobby whose control of the Federal Reserve made it possible to bring about the assassination of the president whose intention was to abolish the Federal Reserve. Here’s a look at the sort of influence which is operating in Howdy Doody’s administration.


Zionism represents a tiny fraction of the American social and political spectrum. The gay rights movement represents a similar tiny fraction. Whether they are directly aware of it or not, The Teabagger Movement (no small irony in the term ‘Teabagger’) was a direct reaction to the policies of The Federal Reserve and the gay marriage movement. Both of these are controlled by world Zionist operations. Zionists sit on the boards of all gay organizations and in some cases are exclusively represented. It’s the gay marriage thing that actually gave rise to the Teabagger movement.


Howdy Doody Obama promised to end the gratuitous, profit driven wars in the Middle East, which were engineered exclusively by Zionists for the benefit of Israel and the military industrial complex, in tandem with the energy industry. Not only did he not stop any of the conflicts, he increased and escalated them. His cabinet, with his rubber stamping support, was deeply involved in the stimulus bailout of the banks, which served the psychopathic Zionist agenda which owns Congress.


The agenda of these mercenary psychopaths has been going on for centuries but gained its biggest coups via the tale of the holocaust, which led to the creation of the state of Israel which is nothing but a crime syndicate masquerading as a country. The truth about this odious affair is coming out in many ways from many locations. In some instances the truth is powerful and inescapable. Here is the present moment status of the Zionist ogre with its distended spider’s belly, perched over the lives and fortunes of the world. Its greed and arrogance can be seen by the degree of tolerance between the boat and the bridge.


In the meantime, these holocaust profiteers are murdering the original inhabitants of the land they stole from the original people of the Bible and harvesting their organs to replace their own. Why do they need so many organs? It is because they are an alien life form and their own organs are so corrupt that they will no longer support life. These are the same murders that orchestrated the Soviet revolution and killed tens of millions of Christians in gulags, who starved the Ukrainians to death and who were responsible, as the Young Turks, for the Armenian holocaust. The truth is that, regardless of the truth of the holocaust, they deserved it many times over, even at its most extended possibilities. That’s how it is.
The Teabaggers and everyone else who is outraged in America and elsewhere are finding out, without actually finding out, who their real enemy is. It is the real enemy who came up with the terms of liberal and conservative and uses them to divide the people from each other so that they can plunder and kill without mercy.


The sailing luxury boat is a metaphor for this beast of a people. It is a metaphor for them sailing out of town and it is a metaphor for their treatment and contempt of the people they robbed for their right of passage. It may be that many do not want to hear this message. That doesn’t alter the truth. There are several tribes of the various tribes; be they twelve or thirteen, who are stone cold evil and who are now being exposed for their historical evils. There are your Rothschilds; your Paul Wolfowitzes, your Madeline Albrights, your Rahm Emanuel’s, your media and entertainment owners, your founders and operators of Monsanto and BP. They are the heads of Israel. They are the ones who carried out 9/11, 7/7 and the Madrid Train station bombing and the Mumbai attack.


They now want war with Yemen because there is a chance that the Ark of the Covenant has been discovered to be buried there. It was one of the main reasons for the Iraq War; to loot the antiquities. They are all about changing and controlling history and it is how they profit and defend themselves. The Apocalypse is bringing all of these things to light and they are frantic to gain power over what is revealed but they are powerless to do so. Their attachment to what they have and what they desire is what will destroy them in the end. They can’t let go of the benefits from their demonic and materialistic god.


They are sleazing their way into every forum and chatroom. They are emailing and lobbying without cease in order to hold on to their ill-gotten gains and to steal yet more on their way to the enslavement and destruction of the human race, which they are not a part of. I receive regular emails from a Zionist entity named Worldchanger who wants me to declaim against Jews in their entirety so that he and his fellows will have the angle they desire to make the arguments they wish to make for their own survival, but it is not to be. They are going down and many who might not truly deserve it are going with them because they have remained silent; often because of their own profiteering.


We have to speak out against this reptilian community of predatory trolls. They work the gay agenda to protect the concept of beleaguered minorities. They infiltrated and hi-jacked the civil rights movement to give the impression that they are champions of the underdogs. They are presently relocating themselves on the other sides of all of the fences, as they hunt relentlessly for someone else to blame it all on while they take the credit for exposing it and presenting themselves as heroes. As I have brought out before, how many members of the tribe associate Israel with 9/11? Anyone who doesn’t is a gatekeeper and an enemy of the human race. How many of them speak out about the holocaust and the uses to which it has been put? Of them, how many discuss the numbers? Any of them who do not are also enemies of humanity and they had better get a clue soon.


It’s past time to continue to cater to the feelings of a powerful elite that presents itself as a champion of the oppressed, to give the impression that they are members of the oppressed, as they incessantly sell their professional victim mythology to the formerly sleeping masses. They are controlling the money and the information in order to fatten themselves at the public’s expense while they sail away on their big boat of luxury, crying out about their sacrifices for the human race. They murdered the prince of sacrifice because of the very nature of the acts preceding it.


They think that now they have reshuffled the deck again and have put a bunch of knobby heads in place to run interference for them. The Apocalypse is not going to permit it. They are screwed and anyone who doesn’t want to be screwed with them had better wake up soon. That luxury boat of the damned is not the only ship sailing.


End Transmission…….


When Darkness Fallsowdy Doody


The New Shangri-La (over 2200 members)

The Apocalypse is one of Your Best Friends

Posted in Uncategorized on October 30, 2010 by smokingmirrors

They’re not just arrogant. They’re not just clumsy. They’re not just drunk or taking their own bad pharmaceuticals. They are transparent. In our minds an apocalypse has a negative connotation… uh huh… if we happen to be negative. If you did kill a lot of people for personal gain and have been at pains to suppress it then ‘apocalypse’ is not a happy meal and Jack the Ripper is wearing a Ronald McDonald suit.


It’s unfortunate how so much of the focus is on Iran while Saudi Arabia is getting billions to manifest bristling and massive defense systems and all of these defense systems are to defend lies. Now they keep making more lies. Their power is draining. As more and more people see the ridiculous inconsistencies between planes that never came from Yemen with printing cartridges that look like a kid’s electric, circuit board kit, I’m thinking even the committed political party materialists; Fox News, Newsmax, Peephole Magazine, Oprah Winfrey and come to Jesus funda-money, ‘rapture me with a swipe card’ people are picking up on it now.


The game is up so you can expect them to go for desperation and I can only hope that there is someone involved who still has some honor and any feeling for humanity who screws up the coming false flag and a lot of people don’t have to die. I’m hoping personal gain will win out and one of them will betray the others. I’m hoping any numbers of positive scenarios are going to happen. I am asking, I am insisting I am appealing, I am commanding, I command that you screw up this thing right in front of the whole world.


I’m on an extended delay. Should I go now and be traveling while it happens? Should I be in Italy? I’m staying where I am until this goes down. I don’t have to go there. The expense of going can be turned into a profit just by hiring someone to bleach the mold and maybe I lose some olives but I have plenty of oil still. I’m thinking about how evil is destroying itself. Do you want to see how? Think about a dinner table placement with a knife and fork and spoon. If you’re eating at Buckingham Palace you will even have variants that purpose is to expose the people who don’t know how to use the cutlery (grin). That is how they do themselves in. They do it with the sharp instruments of their own pleasure, if you can call that pleasure. It’s not for me.


9/11 and the holocaust and probably we shall also see the holocausts caused as well. It’s epic and tragic and I believe in magic. I feel like I want to rock your gypsy soul right through the aperture of time and skinny dip with you in the pools of infinity. It feels like that’s what’s on the table. What evil doesn’t know is that it is the thing that is going to be served to it and it’s getting preposterously dressed up to demonstrate it.


The apocalypse is our best friend in more ways that anyone can tell and I am going to be patient and opening and believing that they will screw up and the best things that can be done is for me to be as honest in my own life as I can manage. I call on the divine for help but that is my personal belief in the existence of it. It’s a certainty for me and I extend my love.


The world is awakening. Loving Lady Nature is awakening. It is all awakening and it is there on the table. I hope everyone who is involved in these things gets caught in the act by the right people.


We need to keep asking ourselves why we aren’t doing more to make this happen. I look at men like Jacques Fresco and Buckminster Fuller and I see the world that wants to happen and there are improvements on that too. I don’t want anymore of this old world. I want a better world and the apocalypse turns out to be our best friend.


People ask me about Mayan prophecies and 2012 but we are in 2010 and that has a lot to do with how 2012 turns out. We need to look right at it and do whatever we can in our own small way because for some reason, it seems like no matter how important we are or how insignificant, it all counts. We probably need to look at ourselves and not be engaged in anything stupid right now.


You can see how comical it is getting when funny isn’t funny but it’s funny. You can see how the news is not news but is fast food murder pastry.


I’d like to “keep on rocking in the free world” but it’s my own world that I am rocking in. I sure hope the rest of you can hear the music and make some moves. Whistleblowers should find a rise in the hill so they can be seen and heard and get Clarence Clemons -like so there won’t be an issue about picking up on what’s being presented. If you were born to run then you need to get out on Thunder Road and make it happen. All that great music from so many streams was not an accident. Maybe everything isn’t to your taste but just look at the thing. My taste in music is if it’s well done then it’s well done. Sometimes even top forty is immortal if you catch my drift.


You know they’re out there looking to make an even bigger problem now and they have been at this game for a long time. Somewhere in the back of my head for years, I kept hearing the lines, “remember, remember, the 5th of November” and I think that was John Lennon and I think I have the number wrong and it always used to puzzle me and still does because I never got the reference or there was something off. You have heard that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Liberty won has to be maintained to remain and when you have it solid you can stop paying the attention you should. That’s not a good idea.


I like to relax and party but I’ve seen the side of the road I was driving on. I’ve seen the things that wound up in the desert and the cans and plastic in the jungle and the ocean, as well as the bodies. I’ve seen the natural things too. I’ve seen the natural beauty and danger. I like having fun with Nature but I don’t test myself against her because she can kick my ass. One time on Brotherhood of Love acid I was in Joshua Tree National Monument with the devil and a bystander and wind dervishes came up and they were impressive mini tornadoes. They were caused by holographic cobras who were coiled and sucking the sand and whatever up into their nostrils and then blowing it out down to the ground and they would spin toward us. I was doing my Aikido thing with them and it was an incredible rush since I could feel the power of what could happen if I wasn’t doing my toreador thing to the max. At one point, the devil, who was a person of another name and who I saw periodically through the years, said, “I wonder what would happen if I just let it hit me.” He was doing what I was doing. So he stepped into one and it picked him up and threw him many meters away and blew his mind. The bystander at one point wandered off into the desert and too many things happened to relate here but some months later the bystander broke his back climbing with the devil. I don’t mess with Nature but I do like to play.


I hope this is useful somehow because we are right there now. This is the moment and The Apocalypse is “shakin’ it here boss” or something (grin). Stay frosty.


It Always Breaks Your Heart


The New Shangri-La



They’ll be Singing, ♫Tears of Rage and Tears of Grief♫.

Posted in Uncategorized on October 20, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting…….


I hate to do it to you people but I am compelled to give you some more Glenn Beck. I promise it will be revealing and eye-opening. Here is Beck with John Hagee in a way that promises to produce the truth by means of completely distorting it. It is fascinating to watch them set out to prove that The Mahdi is the anti-Christ. It’s in seven parts and it gives you all the time you need to scrutinize these men in an intimate circumstance.


Then I’d like you to watch a little Sheikh Hosein. It’s worth it simply for the question where he asks his audience for the name of a famous English Sheikh. I laughed out loud. If you want more from this brilliant thinker there is plenty to watch and you can pick and choose your subjects. Listening to him can be very rewarding, if you have the patience to let him express himself in his own way. I put these two items up for comparison. Listen to your gut as Hagee and Beck converse and while Sheikh Hosein discourses. Sheikh Hosein has a lecture on Riba (money loaned for interest) that is very interesting.


The truth has a certain elegance and restraint to it. Sometimes it can be a little rough because the truth doesn’t spend as much time in makeup as the lies do. Lies require cosmetics and strategic lighting. Truth possesses its own beauty (if you can see it), without the need for artifice and produces its own light.


I’m not a Christian. I’m not a Muslim. I’m what I found to be intrinsic to me after the rising of my Kundalini. It is self defining and is so for each and all of us when this event occurs. This event can be courted and accomplished by anyone, given the intensity, determination and focus that are required in your specific case. No excuses need be given. You want it bad enough, you get it. Your determination and intensity have to raise a ruckus, where the right ears are tuned for the hearing. If you aren’t getting what you want from a certain quarter than you are not making enough noise. I’m speaking from personal experience.


We know that the Zionist plague, that insidious virus, has taken over the banking world and is instrumental in many of the powerful governments of the world but the most telling impact and the least obvious is in the Jewdiciary. It is in the courts where the important things take place and one should make a calculated search to see just how much of a percentage of Zio-influence pervades in this arena. Consider the judges who were instrumental in critical court issues concerning 9/11.


I am bringing this up because of the effect it is soon to have on the foreclosure scamming that has been ubiquitous throughout the banking world. We know that the Witches of Endor are now on the Supreme Court. What we often do not realize is how deep it goes through the chain of command and out into the every day life of the donkey goy.


I used the term Jewdiciary for a reason. The readers know that I generally stay away from the direct term and I have my reasons for that. I use it in this instance to show the differential between my saying this and high mucky muck rabbis calling us donkeys. Anyone who wants to call me on my term usage had better explain about the donkey moniker first.


These are the people who are going to find themselves in several courts shortly. They are also going to be in the court of public opinion. Unfortunately both of these courts are mostly controlled by the same interests, since the court of public opinion is to a large degree controlled by the pronouncements of the mass media. As for the other courts, there is the outside leveraging of rulings and opinions and this takes place in chambers; in restaurants, on the golf course, at resorts and wherever those engaged in enslaving the rest of us, gather to scrutinize how to extract a few more nickels from the lumpen proletariat.


This is the big one, coming on the heels of one more compromised election of stooges pulling donkey carts, filled with products that have been processed for kosher tax. The donkeys have all been branded with the ranch logo of WOYA, which means ‘we own your ass’, pun intended.


Public anger is a fickle and unpredictable thing. It’s like a bunch of old paint rags, piled in a corner of the garage or basement. You know it’s going to combust at some point, you just don’t know when. Many things in these times might well have already happened at other times but these times are special and they are dependent on off stage cues. Everything has to be lined up. Everything has to be in place. Though it may look otherwise, we are about to enter the realm of ‘managed chaos’.


The presence of The Apocalypse cannot be overstated. Situations and conditions are being ‘revealed’ by the hour. This is incrementally exponential. It’s a logarithmic expansion of exposures; falling pants and curtains, upskirts and peepholes into the mind of darkness and being made public by the very engines whose job is to conceal or reinterpret them. Whatever they do only makes the situation worse because it’s out of their hands and the more control they seek to exert the less control they have. They’re aware of it but not aware of it. They refuse to believe that there is any power greater than their own and it’s pro forma that it will be exactly too late when they realize it.


The air is heavy with a portending deliquescence that shall bring an inescapable lachrymose compulsion into the doomed lives of the vampires in our midst and… I can’t believe I just said that (humor alert). We’re looking at ♫tears of rage and tears of grief♫ in which they will surely be asking themselves ♫why must I always be the thief♫?


They got that bailout in order to restore an impression of ‘business as usual’ returning to the mix, but they went ahead and practiced business as usual, which means they kept the money and just went on like nothing had happened. Now they are really going to need a bailout and all they have to offer is business as usual. They’re in deep shit and there’s no more fitting environment for them that this. Of course, for it to truly depict the deserving denouement, the shit needs to be set on fire and the compression factor of so much shit packed against itself, is eventually going to provide that. It’s one of those laws of nature where they don’t happen to be sitting on the judge’s bench.


This is the critical fact that escaped the incredible complexity of their plans for controlling the world. They may control a lot of things here in the visible world but they control very little in the world unseen. They don’t have a say in the automatic reflex of the universe in response to their deeds. They have no lawyers capable of arguing their case. They have no surety to guarantee their bail. They don’t play golf with this judge. They are in a world of hurt, which is composed of the pain they have caused on all sides around them.


As I mentioned recently, tears are going to appear in the fabric of the illusion that has passed for reality here on terra not so firma. We’ve only seen a little of that as yet but it is going to get seriously woo woo pretty soon. In the moment of their greatest triumph pending, comes the specter of their greatest defeat. No one has ever taken over the world. It’s never happened and there’s a reason for that. You can argue about what the reason is but you can’t argue about whether there is one or not.


I know I keep repeating the same thing but this is what I found when I went looking in the wilderness of the unknown that sits and reaches into incalculable distance beyond the parameters of the known that we use to fence in our little shared reality here in the court of Maya. Outside this little playpen is a land where you find what you bring and it is shown to you in terms of how enduring it is beyond the temporary days and nights in the empire of dreams. I found that no matter what garment you put in something it is the same thing underneath and either there is something beneath the clothes or there isn’t. It’s a simple thing.


Those who bring darkness find a deeper understanding of darkness. Yes, the bad guys go out there too. Those who are in search of light find that their faith in what they could not see has provided a light to illuminate its presence. The end result for these donkey masters is captured in the lyrics of the band as the complete the chorus, ♫come to me now you know we’re so low and life is brief♫


End Transmission………


The Walls


The New Shangri-La





Hey Buddy, Could You Help a Gentile Out?

Posted in Uncategorized on October 17, 2010 by smokingmirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting…….


I’ve said a few things over time that I see repeated in places when I travel the internet. When you spiel out so many words, I suppose it’s got to happen now and then; “the president is Howdy Doody”, “Use a search engine, I’m not your research assistant” and some others. One of them is “9/11 is the litmus test”. Anyone who doesn’t flat out know and state that not only was 9/11 an inside job but that the Israelis and their catamites in the American government are responsible, is a gatekeeper or a disinfo agent. I’m not talking about that large segment of the population that is hothousing the de-evolutionary cycle to the point that they look like they are about to drop down on all fours and start feeding off of the landscape. I’m talking about those of us who claim to be informed and ignore or avoid what is inescapably true.


I like to refer to members of that ‘less than’ .2% demographic of a certain tiny minority with enormous financial and political clout, from the Zionist perspective, as members of The Tribe. The reason I do this is because there’s more than one tribe, even within this demographic and I don’t like to wholesale define anyone because it’s not true in my experience and until it is (grin- is that possible?) I’m not going to say it.


Something keeps coming up in my rear view mirror and through my windshield. It’s been tapping me on the shoulder for some time and I don’t know what to make of it. Maybe I’m just missing it. I see a lot of members of The Tribe, prominently out there in the alternative media; criticizing the Zio-Tribe, Gay manipulating, war on Christianity and Islam, board of directors, organization controlling, rainbow tribe, the Israeli, Palestinian genociding tribe, the powerful lobby engines tribe, the mass media, entertainment complex, tribe controlling scenario and all of the other tribes that are one and the same tribe that is causing such awful chaos and confusion in the world we live in. I see members of the greater, tiny tribe giving voice to myriad injustices that megaphone their way into our consciousness.


What I do not see are more than one or possibly two members of the greater, tiny tribe coming right out and saying that Israel is behind 9/11 and hammering it home. The vast majority of the vocal resistance coming from members of the greater, tiny tribe that works the alternative airways is just about completely silent on this. The other thing I don’t see is any strong voices from this tribe that considers the many questions that concern the holocaust. They found themselves a river they could “skate away on”. I saw one member with a video camera at Auschwitz and that’s been about it. Except for Michael Rivero and Brother Nathanial, I can’t think of anyone else and B.N. doesn’t have anything to say about the holocaust that I recall. Maybe I missed it?


Far be it from me to ever deny the holocaust. I have a hard enough time figuring out which holocaust they are talking about; the one they were in or the ones they were responsible for? When someone asks me about their personal holocaust, I say, “well, it was karmic payback for what they did in Russia but there weren’t enough of them to account for all the people they murdered in Russia so they’ll have to come back a few more times to pay that off.


When I look at the numbers of dead at Auschwitz, which originally stated 4.5 million and now states 1.5 million, I don’t even bat an eye thinking about how there could still be six million dead, when they themselves removed 3 million from the roles. I just assume they have a higher form of mathematics, which I don’t understand. I figure that’s how they got control of all the banks and how they manage to operate the way they do, without it making any kind of sense in terms of the explanations given. Sometimes it looks like outright criminal activity but I know that can’t be right because it’s against the law. Right?


When I hear about the German architect who was employed (forced) to build the gas chambers/crematorium emporium in 1948; soon to be a historical record of. I think this is just proof of time travel, no doubt based on that unusual mathematics modality. I observe that of the thousands and thousands of pages in the memoirs of Winston Churchill, Eisenhower, De Gaulle and the rest that there is no mention of gas chambers and crematoriums. These men were all elder statements at this time and I immediately think they must have had a collective senior moment.


When I see the Red Cross document that lists the number of dead in the camps or an analysis by them, I do wonder why the document wasn’t corrected to reflect the number of claimed dead. I mean, they’ve claimed this number since World War 1, even before the war when it happened, so everyone should have already known how many died even before they did. Right? Then I hear from Steven Spielberg that there are presently 250,000 holocaust survivors. From some centers of The Tribe, I hear there are upwards of a million. Of course, they reproduce, except for the ones sitting on those gay org boards of directors, mentioned earlier, who are fighting the good fight against Christianity and Christmas and Islam because of that non-usury thing.


When I read about members of The Tribe running Auschwitz with currency script, brothels, swimming pools and all sorts of amenities I think, “What the hell, if you’re going to be in a concentration camp shouldn’t you get a few perks?”

When I read survivors stories about how many were being gassed and burned by the day and the number comes to an enormous number a month, I think, “Man, they missed a lot of bodies.” The reviews for the book were glowing in their tribute. The book claims that 5,000 a day were marched toward the marshmallow roast just in Birkenau. There have been a lot of touching tributes, so many that it would make a certain type of Catholic priest blush at the prospect; or am I out of context?


What I don’t hear are members of The Tribe, writing in the alternative media about seeming disparities that a lot of gentiles are made uncomfortable by, because we don’t understand the math. You’d think they’d have some compassion for us.


What I think is that is that Stormin’ Norman Finklestein actually is serving a certain purpose by criticizing one thing and then granting huge support to another. I think a lot of the people jailed for holocaust denial may well be working for The Tribe as examples of something that they want impressed on the collective mind. First of all, holocaust denial has nothing to do with proving your case. That is not germane. The law states that you can’t deny it, period, proof or no proof so… you get these show trials and you get Irving, presently fudging all the borders of his former rhetoric. I’ll bet there are mysteries concealing mysteries that are all based on this higher math that I know nothing about. This is why I accept everything they say about the holocaust because I don’t know and I never learned the math. This is important for all of you to understand, just because something doesn’t seem to make sense and appears to be an outright lie, does not mean that it is. It means that you lack the technology to understand it and also lack the restraint exercised by all of your fellows who have the good sense to swallow it whole and get on with their day.


I just don’t understand all of the members of The Tribe who are so daring in their exposes about all manner of things and whose work I see all the time and which seldom if ever deals with who was behind 9/11, much less the realities of the holocaust, which they are in a position to explain to us but just don’t bother to. As I said, I fully accept the official version of the holocaust but I would appreciate having it clarified for me by some member of The Tribe that most profits from the official version.


You see, a lot of what is going on today depends very heavily on the official version. Without it there would be a very different state of affairs. The illegitimate state of Israel would be officially illegitimate instead of generally illegitimate.


I am making an appeal to all of the members of The Tribe, who are riding around on white chargers, in defense of the Palestinians and all manner of truth unveiling courageously, self identified with… types, to please help a gentile out. Please don’t say, “sure, which way did you come in”? Take a moment in your busy world tour in defense of the downtrodden and in the relentless exposure of heinous and enduring lies to let me hear what you have to say about Israel and 9/11 and about the holocaust. I genuinely need to understand a little something about the math that made it possible and I really need to understand why I don’t hear from you about it. Maybe nobody ever asked before. I’m asking now.


End Transmission…….


There will be a radio show tonight at 7:30 Central time or you can download it on Monday.


All the Mistakes


The New Shangri-La (almost 1200 members)